We need Angels who are ready to be a part of the collective betterment and the future of our community. Your monetary donations will support:
We are building a powerful team of dedicated experts.
We need funding to run good programs, specifically around Prevention, Shelter, and Housing.
Volunteer Support
We need to manage, train, and equip thousands of volunteers.
Are you interested in becoming a corporate sponsor? We need corporate funding, gifts-in-kind, and volunteers who will lend us their time and talents. Join us for a cleanup and help your neighbors while team-building with your peers. Some options include:
Reach out to learn more about how we can partner to promote your brand while solving homelessness together.
Transforming our city will take all of us. Money isn't enough; neither is hoping that someone else will solve issues we all see. When we all come together to do our part, we will make a tangible difference in our own neighborhoods and in our city.
Experts. Skilled Labor. Leaders. First Responders. Ambitious Young People. Retirees. College Students.
We need YOU.
We need pro-bono volunteers to collaborate with our team and help us build our vision for Better Angels. We are looking for:
We are rallying our community and mobilizing people who are ready to take action. We are leveraging our collective political power to change minds and get the work done. That means we need ambassadors, activists and advocates.
If you are interested in lending pro-bono services or participating in advocacy efforts, reach out to us today!